Land Planning / Resource Conservation
Project:  Skylawn Cemetery Master Land Use Plan and Environmental Protection Zone
Client:     CirclePoint / Lifemark Group
Skylawn Cemetery needed to expand its facilities and, in order to do so,
the County of San Mateo required a 519-acre Master Land Use Plan to be
written.  As part of this plan, Lifemark Group decided to set aside
approximately 225-acres for an Environmental Protection Zone.  Working
with biologists and botanists, we delineated areas of environmental
sensitivity and included the information as one layer in a complex
opportunities and constraints analysis. The end product helped the land
planners determine where best to propose expanded facilities, a
connector trail to the existing Bay Area Ridge Trail, and the Environmental
Protection Zone.
Project:  Candlestick Point State Recreation Area and General Plan
Client:     AECOM / California State Parks
Currently assisting the client in updating the Candlestick Point State
Recreation Area General Plan to include new properties acquired
through a land exchange with the City of San Francisco. GIS is being
used to map existing conditions of the property including natural
resources, transportation networks, and utilities.  Potential sea level rise
is also of concern, and will be modeled to determine potential future
impacts. All resource and planning issues will be compiled into an
GIS-based opportunities and constraints analysis to determine where
active v. passive recreational activities should occur.
Project:  Land Conservation Plan
Client:     Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council
The Pacific Forest and Watershed Lands Stewardship Council and local
land management agencies – is charged by the CPUC with “maintaining
and enhancing public values of the land” and identifying areas for
recreation, wildlife habitat restoration and other values.  We have been
involved in the conceptual stages for initiating a “Land Conservation
Plan” that includes 140,000 acres of former PG&E watershed lands
scattered throughout California.   We developed a comprehensive data
management system which was a fundamental component for the
planning process. We designed and implemented a web-based data
management system that integrated both GIS databases and document
archives.  An extensive GIS database was compiled, at varying scales, to
enable the planners to analyze information at a state-side, county-wide,
and site-specific scales.  
- project work performed while employed at EDAW, Inc. -
Project:  Baseline Data Report
Client:     Conservation, Development and Planning Department - Napa County
To provide base data to be used for future planning and land use
analysis, the Baseline Data Report documents and describes the
existing environmental characteristics of the county by providing a
comprehensive look at the variety of environmental, human, and public
services resources. Specifically, the Baseline Data Report provides the
most current information for resource topics such as geology and soils;
mineral and rock resources; climate and air quality; surface hydrology;
groundwater hydrology; surface water quality; biological resources;
energy consumption; noise; public health and safety; population and
housing; land use, agricultural resources; transportation and circulation;
visual and aesthetic resources; public facilities and services; and cultural
resources, which includes historical and archeological resources.  
- project work performed while employed at EDAW, Inc. -
Project:  South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Project
Client:     California State Coastal Conservancy, California Department of Fish and Game,
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Agency
As a sub consultant to Philip Williams and Associates, we planned the
restoration of 15,000 acres of salt ponds in the South San Francisco Bay
as part of a large multi-disciplinary team.  The goal of the project was to
restore and enhance wetlands in the South Bay while providing for flood
management and wildlife-oriented public access and recreation.  We
were responsible for overseeing and coordinating the initial search for all
information previously published for the project area; collecting and
inventorying GIS layers pertaining to the project and physical
environment; creating a GIS-base map for use by the entire consultant
team; providing GIS and data standards and protocols for use throughout
the project; GIS analysis and final product maps.
- project work performed while employed at EDAW, Inc. -
Project:  Gaviota Coast Resource Study
Client:     Santa Barbara County
The Gaviota Coast encompasses approximately 100,000 acres of land
located along the east-west facing coastline of the County.  The project
involved completing a GIS-based inventory of resource and planning
information; a preliminary constraints analysis to identify priority areas for
preservation; identification of preservation techniques focusing on
transfer of development credit programs; and a full-color resource report
summarizing all the aforementioned work.  A complex GIS model was
created to help prioritize areas for conservation based on a dynamic and
flexible set of criteria.  The report was to serve as an informational
document for the public and County of Santa Barbara decision-makers
and staff.
- project work performed while employed at EDAW, Inc. -